English below
Rescue Japanについて
Rescue Japanが取りまとめるチーム、ボランティアやスタッフは、常に希望をもたらすことに専念してきました。 2024年、今回の能登半島の震災でも私たちは力になりたいのです。
なぜこのコミュニティをはじめたか ?
レスキュージャパンのチーム、ボランティア、スタッフは、常に希望をもたらすことに専念してきました。 私たちは力になりたいのです。
Rescue Japanの所在地は?
Rescue Japanのミッションの目標は?
Rescue Japanは他にどのような活動をしていますか?
仮設住宅を訪問し、炊き出しの「COOK OUTイベント」やクリスマス・パーティーなどのチャリティー・イベントを開催し、大成功を納めました。レスキュー・ジャパンがイベントに持参した物資はすべて被災者に配られた。
Rescue Japanの次の活動は?
1. 石川県にある慈善団体および石川県で活動する他の慈善パートナーに救援物資を輸送する(それらの慈善団体が地震被災者に現地で必要な支援を提供できるようにする)。
2. 政府の承認を得て、毎週10~30名のボランティアを被災地に派遣する。
ボランティア募集 Volunteer Application
2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Relief Project
About Rescue Japan
Rescue Japan was established on March 14, 2011, three days after the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami disaster that struck the cities and towns on the Pacific coast of the Tohoku region. Rescue Japan was launched with the goal of providing urgently needed supplies to the many victims affected by the disaster. In the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, the team successfully transported approximately 200 tons of relief supplies.
As an organization that supports search, recovery assistance, and relief delivery programs not only during the 2011 disaster, but also in the event of any future disasters that Japan may suffer, we will deploy relief in a variety of ways and accomplish our relief activities.
“..It is difficult to put into words the many scenes of destruction that we are witnessing for the first time..” –founder of Rescue Japan
The teams, volunteers, and staff that Rescue Japan brings together have always been dedicated to bringing hope. In 2024, we want to help with the Noto Peninsula disaster.
Who started Rescue Japan?
Rescue Japan was founded by Taki Ideguchi, Midori Inoue, and Dwayne Wayne (an American radio DJ living in Tokyo). Dwayne’s experience with Hurricane Katrina in the U.S. in 2005 was instrumental to Rescue Japan’s relief efforts.
Why did we start this community ?
The team, volunteers, and staff of Rescue Japan have always been dedicated to bringing hope. We want to help.
Where is Rescue Japan located?
We are based in Tokyo. We only provide support in Japan and are not a global support group.
What are the goals of Rescue Japan’s mission?
Whenever there is a major disaster in Japan, we mobilize volunteers to help in the affected areas.
We have organized large and successful relief programs to assist earthquake victims in Japan. We will continue to work under the same mission.
What other activities does Rescue Japan do?
After the emergency is over and many of the survivors are housed in temporary housing, Rescue Japan holds a number of events to cheer them up.
We have visited the temporary housing facilities and held a number of successful charity events, including a “COOK OUT Event,” a soup kitchen, and a Christmas party. All the supplies Rescue Japan brought to the events were distributed to the victims.
The 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Tsunami Project.
What is next for Rescue Japan?
In response to the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake, we are planning a two-phase project in cooperation with a number of local charitable organizations.
1. Transport relief supplies to charities and other charitable partners working in Ishikawa Prefecture (to enable those charities to provide earthquake victims with the assistance they need locally)
2. When the all-clear is given for volunteers by local government approval, we plan to send 10 to 30 volunteers to the affected areas each week for a stretch of 6 months. Their task will be to assist local volunteer groups with recovery-cleanup operations.
ボランティア募集 Volunteer Application
Rescue Japan (Rescue Japan 2024) Copyright © 2024. Any duplication of materials on this website is a violation of law. Correspondents for media@rescuejapan.jp will be directed to our legal team at hitmusic.jp. This is an HM Media website.