Evacuation Centers In Ishikawa 一時避難所へのアクセス
Temporary Evac Shelters ボランティア募集
Volunteer Application
English below
レスキュージャパンは東北地方の太平洋側海岸の市町村を襲った東日本震災と津波の災害の3日後に設立しました。3月14日以降レスキュージャパンの目的は今回の災害で被災を受けた多くの被災者に緊急必要物資を提供することです。今回、そして将来の日本が被る災害に際しリサーチ、リカバリーの援助と救済物資配達プログラムを支援するこのレスキュージャパンの組織は様々な方法で救済を展開し多面的な業務計画で支援活動を達成していきます。 レスキュージャパンは国内・海外からの日本支援活動を促し、献身的に取り組んでいます。
Rescue Japan is a non-profit organization which started 3 days after the Higashi Nippon Tsunami and Earthquake struck the coastal cities of northern Japan. The purpose of Rescue Japan since March 14th is to provide emergency Aid relief to the many residents in the disaster area who were directly affected by this disaster. A multi-phase operational plan was implemented to execute support using a variety of mechanisms that allows this organization to assist in research, recovery and Aid delivery programs for this and future disasters that affect Japan. The next phase of our operation will help prepare for future disasters with teams on stand-by ready to assist and preparing supplies readily available for delivery.

In addition to the Tohoku region of Japan, other areas that have benefited from our aid delivery program has been Kansai, Shikoku and Kyushu regions. Rescue Japan continues to hold annual cookout events in temporary housing communities constructed for disaster victims.
Please contact here for further information. Use the contact form located on this website.