優先寄付物資: Priority Items
English is below
- 生理用ジェル
- ペットボトルの水
- 缶詰
- 米袋
- 洗面用具(トイレットペーパー、歯ブラシ、ティッシュなど)
- ポータポッティ(簡易トイレ)をお願いしている地域もあります。
- パンパース
- フェイスマスク、ミルク、哺乳瓶
During disasters Rescue Japan collects items to send to victims
When Rescue Japan is engaged in a relief effort, items needed are posted here. Please check back here to see the latest list. You can also be added to a group that was set up to email members when an emergency happens in Japan and Rescue Japan seeks help from volunteers and people who want to donate materials.
This list is being updated now. Please check back here soon.
- There are 2 types of supply lists that are being compiled for relief. The list here is common AID supply that local governments are requesting:
- Sanitary gel
- Bottled Water
- Canned non-perishable foods
- Bags of Rice
- Toiletries (toilet paper, tooth brushes, tissue etc.)
- Pampers
- Face Masks, Baby milk and bottles
*Also remember to tell your donors, please don’t consider charity AID ‘cleaning your closets and pantries’. People tend to get this wrong more often than you think. Always state what is needed and what you are asking people to donate. Stick to your list. Do not send items that are not being requested by the shelters.
NOTE* For small shelters or what is considered ‘temporary private evacuation shelters’ they have the same needs. This is important to note. Especially in areas where there is no running water. In addition to the above list, check our list of supplies to take when you are driving into areas with no power or water. Some of these items may seem odd. But I promise, this is what we saw and were requested to bring to Fukushimia, Miyagi and Iwate Evac Shelters.
- We supplied Large Sandwich Bags to centers with no running water. They use them as toilets. Don’t judge… survival is survival.
- Another item we found odd in some of these overcrowded places was Saran-wrap. They covered plates and bowls with it because they can’t wash dishes. They simply throw away the saran-wrap when finished using the plate. Another person can then use it. Very efficient. With no running water, keeping the area and the utensils clean is essential. If you can send paper-plates, do it. Large quantities please.
- Wet-naps are used for a variety of reasons but also keep in mind people must sanitize themselves. It is the only way with no running water. Campers can verify this.
- If you are delivering to elderly centers, always don’t forget to send medium and large sized Diapers. Yes. The Elderly uses them.
- Many of the supplies to smaller shelters will be critical (no time for mistakes). Please check with them first before making a delivery.
- Another note to be aware of is the big shelters are getting the most supplies, the smaller ones (temporary shelters) are suffering the most. However, it gets worse. Once surrounding communities find out the temporary shelters are receiving AID, they start to come to collect supplies. That is where your help is really needed. Because supplies will deplete much quicker.
When food from overseas is rejected. In some cases if donated canned or packaged food does not have Japanese labels on it, some people are afraid to eat it. Allergies and other medical ailments could hinder acceptance. If you are delivering food contributed from overseas please cover the back of the product with a label written in Japanese describing what is in the ingredients.
Feel free to contact us: CONTACT