
ReliefRequestDoc-032911-A Location : Fukushima ken, Soma-shi Food (Rice, Instant Noodle, Vacuumed Pack food, Tin food, Pickles, Snacks, Power Milk for baby, baby food) Toiletries (Adult and Baby Nappies, Wet Tissue, Alcohol Wipe ,  (Female) Sanitary Products, Toilet Rolls, Tissue paper, Batteries) Address:〒979-2522 福島県相馬市日下石鬼越迫101 南相馬市東北地方太平洋沖地震救援物資受け入れセンター (相馬市総合地方卸売市場内) 南相馬市】食糧品・日用雑貨 ◎特に不足しているもの ・食料品 米(精米済みのもの)、カップラーメン、レトルト食品、缶詰、漬物、副食(お菓子等)、などの日持ちする食料品。粉ミルク、離乳食、などの乳幼児用食料品。 ・日用雑貨 オムツ(大人用・子ども用)、おしりふき、生理用品、トイレットペーパー、ティシュペーパー、乾電池(各種) 送付先 〒979-2522 福島県相馬市日下石鬼越迫101 南相馬市東北地方太平洋沖地震救援物資受け入れセンター (相馬市総合地方卸売市場内)


RRD-032811-A Supplies are short in Kesennuma, RikuzenTakada, Ohhunato (all in Iwate). Sendai city area seems to have been receiving enough supplies because Tohoku High way is now back to normal. Required supplies really differs depending on the area, so it is hard to specify but I heard they need powder milk (for babies), female hygine … Read more


RRD-032411-A 石巻市総合運動公園 (Ishinomaki shi Undo Koen) 石巻市南境字新小堤18番地 (Ishinomaki shi Minami Sakai Aza Shin Kodutsumi 18) TEL 0225-22-9111 8am till late ———————————————————————————- They look after 108 shelters Need: Food Batteries Paper cups / plates Nappies (Adult and Kids) Underwear ( especially for female) They have enough clothes and blankets contact@rescuejapan.asia


RRD-032311-A Delivery location:  Miyagki ken Kesennuma-shi Shitanda 94-1 KyuSeikaMarket Open 8am-8pm Tel: 0226-22-6600 Kesen Numa City office, Taisaku Honbu City office is looking after about 100 shelters, 15, 000 people; only 25% of the homes have power. They mainly need Food and Toiletries. He said Kawakuwa-cho and Motoyoshi-cho are far away from the centre so … Read more


RRD-032211-A Spoke with Sendai city which is looking after approx 100 shelters in Sendai shi they work as a hub for all the shelters in Sendai shi They need – Tin food – Ready to eat food / rice – Instant noodle – Cling wrap – Wet tissue – Toilet papers – tooth brush – … Read more