
RRD-032411-A 石巻市総合運動公園 (Ishinomaki shi Undo Koen) 石巻市南境字新小堤18番地 (Ishinomaki shi Minami Sakai Aza Shin Kodutsumi 18) TEL 0225-22-9111 8am till late ———————————————————————————- They look after 108 shelters Need: Food Batteries Paper cups / plates Nappies (Adult and Kids) Underwear ( especially for female) They have enough clothes and blankets contact@rescuejapan.asia


MEMO-032311-C Tokyo Government taking in refugees from Tohoku.   Supplies donated to the locations will be provided to these victims: Time: 9:00AM – 4:00PM every day For individuals 東京都庁第二本庁舎1階中央「東北地方太平洋沖地震救援物資」受付窓口 〒163-8001 新宿区西新宿2-8-1 For corporation, organization and local government 京浜トラックターミナル「配送センター11号棟」受付窓口 〒143-0006 大田区平和島2-1-1 http://www.metro.tokyo.jp/INET/OSHIRASE/2011/03/20l3hd00.htm Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM every day For individuals Hiroshi Naka second floor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building an “earthquake relief northeastern Pacific Ocean. … Read more


MEMO-032111-A Memo – Received by Rescue Japan Staff Member from her friend in Miyagi: I managed to get hold of a friend of mine in Aoba-ku, Sendai. He is a professor at miyagi Education University. His place is in the University campus on top of the mountain. *they have power, but no water and no … Read more


MEMO-032311-B   秋田県庁正面中央ホール 〒010-8570 秋田市山王4-1-1   TEL  018-860-1513 鹿角地域振興局総務企画部地域企画課 〒018-5201 鹿角市花輪字六月田1        TEL 0186-22-0457 北秋田地域振興局総務企画部地域企画課 北秋田市鷹巣字東中岱76番地1      TEL 0186-62-1251 山本地域振興局総務企画部地域企画課 能代市御指南町1番10号     TEL 0185-55-8006 由利地域振興局総務企画部地域企画課 〒015-8515  由利本荘市水林366番地    TEL 0184-22-5432 仙北地域振興局総務企画部地域企画課 大仙市大曲上栄町13-62      TEL 0187-63-5114 平鹿地域振興局総務企画部地域企画課 〒013-8502   横手市旭川一丁目3番41号   TEL 0182-32-0594 雄勝地域振興局総務企画部地域企画課 湯沢市千石町二丁目1-10   TEL 0183-73-8191 *Acceptable Items* New underwear (Both for men and women in different sizes) Clothes, socks, snowsuits (Has to be new … Read more


RRD-032311-A Delivery location:  Miyagki ken Kesennuma-shi Shitanda 94-1 KyuSeikaMarket Open 8am-8pm Tel: 0226-22-6600 Kesen Numa City office, Taisaku Honbu City office is looking after about 100 shelters, 15, 000 people; only 25% of the homes have power. They mainly need Food and Toiletries. He said Kawakuwa-cho and Motoyoshi-cho are far away from the centre so … Read more


RRD-032211-A Spoke with Sendai city which is looking after approx 100 shelters in Sendai shi they work as a hub for all the shelters in Sendai shi They need – Tin food – Ready to eat food / rice – Instant noodle – Cling wrap – Wet tissue – Toilet papers – tooth brush – … Read more