10000 x light weight / cotton Blanket & Fly / Mosquito Sprays & Mosquito Coils Pls!
求む! タオルケット1万枚、ハエ・蚊スプレー、殺虫剤、蚊取り線香
With the rise of temperature, people are suffering from a heavy infestation of mosquitoes and flies – Pesticide, Mosquito Coils, Insect Sprayers are urgently required.
気温があがるにしたがって、被災地ではハエや蚊など虫が大発生しています。 蚊取り線香や殺虫剤、スプレーが切実に必要とされています
Light / Cotton blankets x 10000 are also required ; The light blankets are required for people in evacuation centres, temporary housing and people staying at their own houses. They have enough warm/wool blankets but they are too hot for summer.
Anyone who can help us with the above items or who knows some companies that might be able to help us, please let me know Thank you.
Please contact taki.ideguchi@rescuejapan.asia
ご連絡はtaki.ideguchi@rescuejapan.asia まで