After Catastrophe

By Scott Carlson For a lesson in the compounding effects of surprising events, go back to a March afternoon in 2011: A powerful earthquake hits 40 miles off the eastern coast of Japan. The country’s building codes ensure that most structures can cope with even this major stress, but a resulting tsunami pounds the shore, … Read more


レスキュージャパンは12月22日〜24日の3日間、相馬市にある柚木仮設住宅にてフェイシャルトリートメント体験イベントを行いました。3日間で約40人以上の方に体験いただき、癒しと美のプレゼントをさせて頂きました。3月から徐々に新居へ移られる方が増えてくること、また大変好評いただいたこともあり、2月に再度イベント開催予定。 《その他支援品》 消毒用ハンドジェル/Sanitizer:20箱/20bx (Hills/Colgate) 石けん/Soap:10箱/ 10bx(Hills/Colgate) ワイン/Wine:30本/30 bottles    

Distribution Issues in the Early Days

March 21st 2011 – FVJ Distribution to Ishinomaki This is a post based on a recent conversation on the forum.  There’s been a lot of conflicting information that has been passed around regarding the issue of aid distribution, and the matter that even the Tokyo Metropolitan Government stopped taking donations as of March 21st, there’ve … Read more

Things that are still happening

FROM (image courtesy Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters) I really didn’t know what to say about the one-year anniversary of the quake and tsunami. At 2:46 on March 11th the entirety of Japan apparently came to a standstill. From Shibuya crossing to Rikuzentakata, everybody just stopped what they were doing, whether they were in a grocery store or … Read more