MEMO-031112-A – “SILENCE”

More than 3700 people gathered for a moment of silence on Facebook today to commemorate the 11 year anniversary of the Higashi Nippon Tsunami and Earthquake of March 11th 2011. The event started 2:46pm where participants where ever they are would stop for 11 minutes of Silence to remember the earthquake victims.  Facebook gathered about 3700 people RSVP’d to … Read more


February 16 Aid Delivery into Ishinomaki Our team arrived in Ishinomaki Thursday afternoon February 16th to deliver items requested by the community center: 〒986-0025 石巻市湊町3-6-19 石巻中央公民館湊分館 Ishinomaki chuo kouminnkann minatocho bunnkann 3-6-19 minatocho ishinomaki 986-0025 Diapers, Hand Soaps, Hand Sanitizers, refrigerators and tooth brushes were delivered for local residences.  


TEAM HEART SAVER for Kessenumma Delivery This is a report from their last delivery – visiting 8 temp housing communities in Kessunuma as well. 2/16/2012 Delivery Item Listing: The goods requested for their delivery are: ★ Glutinous Rice Cakes – Rice – Instant Rice – General Microwavable food – various canned or bottled foods – Sweets … Read more


Rescue Japan joined GPOP to host a Christmas Party in Iwaki for the victims of the Onahama and Yotsukura area. They traveled from their temporary housing units to the Fujima Junior High School. A little over 650 people came out to enjoy a Christmas celebration on December 24th, where GPOP and Rescue Japan arranged to have food, gifts, … Read more


Relief Request Document # 122411 Event: Christmas Party and End of Year celebration event December 24th. Location:  Fujima Junior High School (Public) 970-0103,  Aza Sengakubo 76 Taira Fujima, Iwaki City, Fukushima   援助要請資料♯122411 イベント:クリスマスパーティーと年末祝いイベント 12月24日 場所:藤間中学校(公立) 福島県いわき市平藤間字千ケ久保76 970-0103   Supplies Required: 25 Boxes of Large Boy Diapers 25 Boxes of Large Boy/Girl Diapers 25 Boxes of Medium … Read more


UPDATE-111911-A Interagency Directive Field Operations 2011.11.19.00012AIW FOA Request Takidashi (Outdoor  Event) Iwaki , Japan pref: Fukushima   Destination: 道の駅よつくら港 Port Yotsukura Roadside Station 福島県いわき市四倉町五丁目218-1 5-218-1 Aza Yotsukura-Cho Iwaki-City, Fukushima (on Route 6) 0246-32-8075 Rescue Japan Events Program We organized and held an event at the Port Yotsukura Roadside Station in Iwaki where 400+ residents of … Read more


The “Save Minami Soma” Project (SMS) went into Fukushima to provide Aid support to about 630 people Sunday morning. Rescue Japan will meet with them at Kashima then proceed to the neighborhoods where Aid will be passed out to the Earth Victims.  Save Minami Soma(SMS:南相馬を救おう)プロジェクトは約630人の人々に支援品を届けるために日曜日の朝に福島件に入りました。レスキュー・ジャパンは鹿島町にて被災者の人々と会った後、支援が配給されるその近隣もまわりました。 Items that SMS is bringing: (2nd harvest) Noodles, rice, bottled water vegetables and … Read more

UPDATE 071611-B

岩手県盛岡市および遠野市への物資搬送。盛岡では地元のボランティアグループ「SAVE IWATE」さんに冷蔵庫3台、洗濯機1台、電子レンジ1台、その他消耗品、食料をお届けしました。また遠野では「まごころネット遠野」および「テラルネッサンス」で活動を続けている吉野さんの事務所に消耗品、食料をお届けしました。2団体とも、岩手の沿岸部の支援を続けています。吉野さんが両手でくださった力強い握手が印象的。気持ちが伝わってきました。 Aid delivery to Morioka and Tohno in Iwate. We delivered 3x fridges, 2x washing machines, 1xmicrowave, daily essentials and food to the local volunteer group ‘ SAVE IWATE’. Another delivery was to Mr Yoshino of Magokoro Net and Tera Renaissance in Tohno. Both groups are supporting victims in coastal areas. When we left Mr Yoshino … Read more


福島県伊達市では原発事故により避難を余儀なくされた被災者のペット救助し、 世話を続けている民間の動物病院の獣医さん、そしてボランティアの方がいらっしゃいます Date city in Fukushima – A group of vets and volunteers have been looking after abandoned pet animals, rescued in the radiation affected area. 常時80頭ほどの犬や猫を世話しているとのこと。さらに子犬、子猫も生まれペットフードが足りない!との依頼を受け、動物愛護協会、ペットフード協会、HIllさん、P&Gさんのお力をお借りし800キロのペットフードのご寄付をいただきました。 They are looking after approx 80 dogs and cats, and the number is increasing….their fund was running short and they could not afford buy sufficient petfood.  All the … Read more


East Ishinomaki Saturday July 16, 2011: Our Relief Request Doc indicated to deliver Aid to Ishinomaki, particularly diapers and related Aid for infants.  We were directed to a location in Miyagi-ken, Kurokawa-gun, Ohiramura to pick up bikes that we could add to our delivery in East Ishinomaki.  This was the first stop. Once we retrieved about … Read more